
Download (animals and food) Pdf
. A two page worksheet for kindergarten or elementary students. Students have to match the animals with their food by tracing the correct arrow . For more fun for our students , we ask them to color the correct food . Download
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Download (telling time (Draw the hands on the clock face)) pdf
Drawing The Hands On The Clock Face Worksheets: This Time Worksheet will produce either four or nine different clock faces problems on each worksheet. The problems show a blank clock face wi…
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Download ( (COVID-19) worksheet ) pdf (part 2)
The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by wash…
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Download (who do you call ? jobs worksheet ) pdf
After we finish school we can look for a job that we love and pursue our passion in our work life. There are many jobs that we can have. We can work in a kitchen and be a chef or cook. We c…
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Download (Reading comprehension worksheet ) pdf part 5
We invite you to check our five parts of this series of short stories for kids: The first part The second part The third part The fourth part The fifth part The sixth part The seventh part Readin…
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Download (washing hands ) activity pdf + video very simple and important
Join our groups on Facebook to get our new free worksheets ⏩ ⏩ worksheets Pdf ⏪⏪ ⏩ ⏩ English Worksheets ⏪⏪ ⏩ ⏩ free Worksheets 4 you ⏪⏪ or visit our page on Facebook ⏩ ⏩ English Worksheets ⏪⏪ Washing your …
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Download (Give me 5 worksheet ) pdf great warm up activities first part
This first part of (Give me 5 worksheet) contains 40 activities . These activities are very useful for students during their warming up . You can use them in different ways or games . You…
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Download ( Reading comprehension worksheet ) part 4 pdf file
Reading is a multifaceted process that develops only with practice. There are certain aspects of reading, such as fluency and word recognition, which can be learned in a few years. These ba…
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Download (Reading Comprehension worksheet ) part 3 pdf
Although many children can read, the act of reading and the act of comprehending what you read are two very different things. Reading requires the fluent parsing and blending various phonet…
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Download ( Reading Comprehension ) pdf part 2
Reading comprehension is not only being able to communicate what is written on the page, but also understanding it and making sense of it. Reading is accepted as one the key skills for adul…
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Download (Reading comprehension) pdf part 1
Reading comprehension is the ability to process text, understand its meaning, and to integrate with what the reader already knows . Fundamental skills required in efficient reading compre…
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Download (COVID-19 virus worksheet ) pdf about coronavirus
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory il…
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Download ( CVC Word Sounds Worksheets ) high quality pdf
Using this CVC Word Sounds Worksheet, students choose the CVC word that matches each pictures to build their reading fluency. CVC words make up a lot of the words your students encounter. Th…
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Download (trace and fill in the missing numbers) pdf
This Worksheet is very simple as it asks the children to trace and fill in the missing numbers in a series. Download
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Download (School objects worksheet ) high quality pdf file
This worksheet is designed to teach students the most used school objects. The student has to label the correct picture . This worksheet is excellent for working on your students' Writi…
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Download (Farm animals worksheet ) high quality pdf
Why Reading is Important for our Kids : - They can help expand their vocabulary : While they are reading, they might see words they have never heard . This can encourage them to find out wha…
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Download (consonant vowel beginning blend worksheets ) pdf (high quality )
Four worksheets which blend a consonant with the different vowels provide a wide range of vocabulary for children to practice both the blend and the blend within a word. They are then able…
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Download animals worksheet (pdf) part one
Vocabulary worksheet containing some wild animals . It has two sections: Match words and pictures (matching exercise) and ( look and answer exercise). Download
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Download (present continuous worksheet) high quality pdf
The present continuous verb tense indicates that an action or condition is happening now, frequently, and may continue into the future. The Present Continuous Formula: to be [am, is, are] + …
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warm_up Give me 5 ( download now all the files !!!) very useful
ESL warm-up activities are essential in the English classroom. Students may be tired or have other things on their minds and diving straight into a textbook or grammar explanation can be qu…
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