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download free Short stories for kids about (Farm animals) . Pdf file

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We invite you to check our five parts of this series of short stories for kids:

 I think most of our kids love any activities related to farm animals farm animlas as these animals are an important part of primary stage learning. 

Farm animals are animals that are kept on our farms to get their milk, wool and meat. They include horses, chickens, sheep, donkeys and more.

Why is it important to teach our kids about farm animals ?

- Our kids have to know where their food comes from. So, They can appreciate their food or meals more. 

– They will learn that food doesn't all grow on trees. 

- We can introduce our kids to the animal world by teaching about farm animals. 

- We can teach our kids that animals need different kinds of care. We can teach them about animals' food, shelter and care.

– We should teach our kids to be patient and gentle with animals.

Our free pdf worksheets can be useful for our kids to read about farm animals' facts.


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